“Brum-brum”, “irma”, “i-gin”, “aiwwruuumbeigseses”: here are some nicknames of my original name, which is Irum, meaning “Heaven”. I come from Pakistan and I have become a foreigner 9 years ago, when I arrived in Genoa. West and East have been part of my life since my adolescence, at first in Genoa, where I lived with my family and then in Pakistan, where I went back in my last high school years. I have then decided to come back to Genoa, which has become my new home for university. I am currently studying Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology and I love reading, cooking, learning and discussing, in orderto hear new ideas and opinions. Being an intercultural companion is a great opportunity to enrich my culture and to live Genoa “historic” district through the glance of a Pakistani girl, as a mosaic of cultures, neighborhoods and mysteries.
As an intercultural companion, I collaborate proposing an intercultural tour of Genoa promoting sustainable and responsible tourism.